Style Girlfriend is a men’s lifestyle site founded in 2012 that focuses on tips for modern men on how to dress with style and confidence, all told from the perspective of women.
>> See All of MY Style Girlfriend work <<
>>Listen to ME on the SG Podcast, Undressed <<
You Should Really Be Entertaining Outside Right Now
Transform your patio just in time for a labor day party.
The Guys’ Guide To Buying Clothes That Actually Fit Your Body
Every body is unique—why not dress like it?
Men’s Wedding Dress Codes: Decoded For Summer
From formal to festive, we’ve got you covered.
A Style Girlfriend Guide to Boston
How to have the best summer weekend in Beantown.
Want To Impress A Woman? Do This.
Spoiler alert: It mostly involves being yourself.
Taylor’s Take: Guys Grooming Questions, Answered
Don’t worry, we called in reinforcements.
Taylor’s Take: How To Have a Good Conversation On A Date
Just like putting together a great outfit, it takes a bit of effort.
Taylor’s Take: What Happens When You Dress Better Than Your GF?
I tackled this reader question (with the help of a couples’ counselor.)
Taylor worked directly with SG’s founder to conceive the theme for this photo shoot and content series. She collaborated on set with the prop stylist and photographer to create the vision for all imagery used in the series. She also selected and managed all product pulls as well as wrote all accompanying articles and social media promotion for this 7-story series.

The Guy’s Guide To ‘The Bold Move’
Three easy ways to step your game up—for good.
5 Ways To Boost Your Confidence Before A First Date
It’s more than just a fake it ‘til you make it attitude.
Guys’ College Style: From Coast To Coast
Nail your college look no matter what school you call home.